

Fresh farm eggs are almost always available, please call or contact us in advance if you would like more than a dozen.


Ameraucana(Easter Egg in green and blue), Rhode Island Reds,
ISA Brown, Amberlink/Rhode Island Red crosses, Barred Rock
Eggs are USDA sized large

$2.50 per dozen – large

$3.00 per dozen – extra large / jumbo


Pekin and Rouen duck eggs

$4 per dozen

The Rhode Island Red originated in the New England states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Early flocks often had both single and rose combed individuals because of the influence of Malay blood. It was from the Malay that the Rhode Island Red got its deep color, strong constitution and relatively hard feathers.  Rhode Island Reds are relatively hardy, they are probably the best egg layers of the dual purpose breeds.

The Ameraucana originates from the United States. It is the cousin of the Araucana, which was originally from Chile. When the Araucana became popular in the United States because of the blue colored eggs, many variations of the chicken were produced from different cross-breeds.  The Ameraucana has some traits in common with its cousin the Araucana, such as blue or turquoise eggs and pea comb.

The ISA Brown are an incredibly popular chicken choice, and that is mainly because they are the producers of the big brown eggs that you buy on supermarket shelves. ISA stands for Institut de Sélection Animale, the company which developed the hybrid in 1978 for egg production as a battery hen. The ISA Brown is not recognised as a breed as it a hybrid, meaning that the girls (hens) hatch out a different colour to the boys (roosters).

The Amberlink hybrid breed is part of the Isa Brown family, the Amberlink is also a great large brown egg producer.

The Barred Rock was developed in New England in the early 1800’s by crossing Dominiques and Black Javas, it has spread to every part of the U.S. and is an ideal American chicken. Prolific layers of brown eggs, the hens are not discouraged by cold weather. Their solid plumpness and yellow skin make a beautiful heavy roasting fowl.

The Pekin duck is a domesticated duck used primarily for egg and meat production. It was bred from the Mallard in China, it was brought to the United States about 1873, where it is the most popular commercial duck breed. Pekin Ducks have a nice temperament and, therefore, make excellent pets. Owners report that their friendly ducks follow them around like dogs would.  They are great egg-layers, but not brooders.

The Rouen ducks (giant mallards) originated in France. Harrison Weir (1902) commented that ‘they are merely the wild duck enlarged by domestication and high feeding’. The drakes have the brilliant green head and white collar of the mallard, but the body feathers are a bit darker, and should lack any white feathers on the flank as it approaches the tail.

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