Goat Milk

IMG_0103Goat Milk is available for those interested in buying shares in our dairy goats. Please contact us for more information.

We have Alpine/Nubian crosses goats and when we have goat kids they are available for purchase.

The French Alpine originated in France. It is a large animal, and generally excels in stature. Even when quite large, they should remain refined and never be coarse. Alpines are alertly graceful, hardy, adaptable animals that thrive in any climate while maintaining good health and excellent production. They are known for being exceptionally curious, and friendly, although sometimes independent and strong willed. They are also known for their long lactation, producing large quantities of high quality milk.

The Nubian is a relatively large, proud dairy goat of mixed origin. The ancestors of today’s Nubian have African and Indian heritage, developed further in England, where they are known as Anglo-Nubians. They are known for high quality, high butterfat milk production. They are also noted for
being a quite vocal breed. Nubians often carry more muscling/fleshing than the Swiss breeds.


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